As we journey through life, our bodies undergo various changes, and our feet are no exception. As we age, it's crucial to pay attention to our foot health, as our feet play a vital role in mobility and overall well-being. At Roadrunner Foot and Ankle, we specialize in caring for feet of all ages, and we understand the unique changes that occur as we grow older.

The Evolution of Feet with Age

1. Structural Changes: One of the most noticeable changes in our feet as we age is the loss of elasticity and natural padding. This can lead to a decrease in arch height and an increased likelihood of developing flat feet or other structural issues. As a result, foot mechanics may change, impacting our gait and balance.

2. Skin and Nail Changes: Aging can cause skin to become thinner, drier, and less elastic. This can lead to an increased risk of developing cracks, calluses, corns, and other skin conditions. Furthermore, toenails may thicken, become brittle, or develop fungal infections more easily.

3. Joint and Bone Health: Arthritis and other joint-related conditions are common as we age. Feet are particularly susceptible, with conditions like osteoarthritis affecting the joints and causing pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. Bone density may also decrease, leading to conditions like osteoporosis and increased fracture risk.

4. Circulation Issues: Aging can impact blood circulation, which is critical for maintaining foot health. Poor circulation can contribute to slower wound healing, increased risk of infections, and a higher chance of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD) or diabetic foot complications.

Addressing Aging Feet: Tips for Foot Care

1. Regular Foot Examinations: Schedule routine foot check-ups with a podiatrist at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle. Early detection of foot problems can prevent complications and ensure prompt treatment.

2. Proper Footwear: Choose supportive shoes that provide adequate cushioning and stability. Avoid high heels and opt for shoes with a wider toe box to accommodate any structural changes in your feet.

3. Maintain Good Foot Hygiene: Keep feet clean and dry, paying special attention to areas prone to dryness or fungal infections. Trim nails carefully and seek professional care for any foot-related concerns.

4. Stay Active: Incorporate gentle foot exercises and stretches into your daily routine to maintain flexibility and strengthen foot muscles. Physical activity can also improve circulation and overall foot health.

5. Manage Systemic Conditions: If you have diabetes, arthritis, or other chronic health conditions, work closely with your healthcare team to manage these conditions effectively and minimize their impact on your feet.

6. Seek Prompt Treatment: Don't ignore foot pain, swelling, or changes in appearance. Early intervention by our experienced podiatrists can prevent complications and ensure optimal foot health.


At Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria, Arizona, we're committed to helping you maintain healthy, happy feet at every stage of life. Aging brings its own set of challenges, but with proactive foot care and the support of our expert team, you can continue to move comfortably and confidently. If you have concerns about your aging feet or need professional foot care services, make an appointment with Dr. Margaret Withrow or Dr. Dylan Kaumaya at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria Arizona. Your feet deserve the best care, and we're here to provide it.

Remember, taking care of your feet today will ensure they continue to carry you through all of life's adventures tomorrow. Stay proactive, stay informed, and step into each day with confidence—thanks to Roadrunner Foot and Ankle.