If you ever hear concerning pops or creaks coming from your feet or ankles when walking or during activity, you may be wondering if something is wrong. The podiatrists at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria, Arizona want to reassure you that these sounds are often harmless. However, certain pops and creaks can indicate an underlying foot condition that needs treatment.

What Causes Popping or Creaking Joints in the Feet and Ankles?

There are several common, benign explanations for popping sounds in the feet and ankles:

  • Ankle Sprains - Previous ligament tears lead to loose, unstable joints that pop when moved.
  • Tendon Dislocation - Tendons snapping over foot bones as they return to their proper alignment.
  • Escaping Gases - Small bubbles of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen escape from the lubricating synovial fluid in joints.

When Should You Visit a Podiatrist for Popping Joints?

While pops and creaks are usually not concerning, schedule an appointment at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle if:

  • The sounds become painful.
  • Swelling or bruising accompany the sounds.
  • You experience stiffness or reduced motion in the joint.
  • The popping is frequent and interferes with activity.

These symptoms can indicate more serious conditions like:

  • Arthritis - Damaged, worn cartilage causes painful bone-on-bone grinding.
  • Achilles Tendon Injury - Partial or complete tears cause snapping sensations.
  • Previous Foot Injuries - Old tendon, ligament or nerve damage leads to instability.
  • Morton's Neuroma - Thickened nerve tissue clicks when squeezed between metatarsals.

Dr. Margaret Withrow and Dr. Dylan Kaumaya the Podiatrists at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria Arizona will examine your feet and ankles to determine the cause of any popping joints. Custom orthotics, physical therapy, medications, injections or surgery may be recommended to reduce discomfort and repair damage. Don't live with popping ankle pain - call today to schedule an appointment!