Are corns and calluses causing you discomfort? At Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria, Arizona, our expert podiatrists understand the impact these common foot problems can have on your daily life. Let's delve into what corns and calluses are and how you can find relief.

Understanding Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are thick, hardened layers of skin that develop on the feet in response to friction or pressure. Corns typically form on the tops or sides of toes, often due to poorly fitting shoes or toe deformities. They can be painful and have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin.

Calluses, on the other hand, are larger areas of toughened skin that usually develop on the soles of the feet. They're often caused by repetitive friction, such as from walking or running, or wearing shoes that don't fit properly.

Tips for Managing Corns and Calluses

  1. Proper Footwear: Wearing well-fitted shoes with roomy toe boxes can prevent corns and calluses from developing or worsening.

  2. Regular Moisturizing: Keeping your feet moisturized can help prevent dry, cracked skin that contributes to corns and calluses.

  3. Avoiding Barefoot Walking: Walking barefoot increases friction and can exacerbate foot problems. Wear socks and supportive footwear indoors.

  4. Padding and Cushioning: Using protective pads or cushions over corns can reduce pressure and pain.

  5. Professional Treatment: If you have painful corns or calluses that don't improve with home care, it's essential to seek professional help. Our podiatrists at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle can safely remove these lesions and provide tailored advice on preventing their recurrence.

Why Choose Roadrunner Foot and Ankle?

Located in Peoria, Arizona, Roadrunner Foot and Ankle is your partner in foot health. Our experienced podiatrists offer compassionate care and advanced treatments for various foot conditions, including corns, calluses, bunions, and more. We prioritize patient education and strive to empower you to take charge of your foot health.

Don't let corns and calluses slow you down. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Margaret Withrow or Dr. Dylan Kaumaya at Roadrunner Foot and Ankle in Peoria Arizona  today to experience relief and get back on your feet comfortably. Your feet deserve the best care!